Resources Articles:
What is the Resources module?
The Resource module provides the following:
- several downloadable artifact templates, e.g. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
- links to external supplemental guidance sources, e.g. NIST and DoD CMMC related documents, as well as Totem™ tool tutorial videos
- a list of Corrective Action Plan (CAP) tag search terms
- a list of global search fields
What are the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) tag search terms?
The CAP tag search terms list the "tags" that a user can globally search for in the Control Status page, which will filter on controls in which Totem has included text in our System Security Plan template to identify commonly deficient Organization Actions. All Totem-created tags correspond to pre-loaded Corrective Action Plan (CAP) templates.
For instance, if a user searches for the tag "_MFA" in the global search bar at the top of the Control Status page, the Totem™ tool will filter to a set of controls related to multifactor authentication and which we commonly find deficient in small businesses. The user can use the Totem™ POA&M workflow to load these deficient Organization Actions into the Create CAP interface, and then use the Multifactor Authentication CAP template (top right of the Create CAP interface) to auto-populate an MFA-related CAP.
What are the Control Status global search terms?
The global search terms are the names of the fields that can be searched using the global search bar at the top of the Control Status page. For instance, if a user wanted to search the entirety of the Control Status Comments for the text"evidence", he/she would look up the search term for the Comments field, which is "comments". He/she would then type
in the global search field on the Control Status page to execute the search.
See the Control Status support page for more on using global search terms.